Friday, August 28, 2009

Following up on the GREAT news fresh off the press above!

You've heard it right, folks. Dustin and I are expecting baby #2 in about 6 months. I was 13 weeks yesterday, which officially puts me into the second trimester. What a ride it's been!
On June 24th, after months of trying and fears that another biological baby was not in God's plan for us, we found out that I was pregnant. My best friend from college happened to be visiting from California, so it was fun to have someone to share the news with right away. I knew Dustin would be happy I had someone with me at the time, rather than jealous that he wasn't the first to find out. Kristin stayed with our girls while I ran out to buy a "big sister" shirt for Addison. (Not the one she is wearing in the post above- that was a gift from Kristin a couple of weeks later. The original shirt was not nearly as cute, but my sources were limited.)
The day Addison found out she was going to be a BIG SISTER!
I took my obligatory parking spot at the store. The parking lot wasn't crowded at the time or else I would have saved the spot for someone further along than myself. Actually, on my way in to the store, I noticed a couple of spots that would have been closer. But really, that wasn't the point of me parking there.
Dustin came home from work that evening and Kristin and I had the cameras rolling, anticipating the moment that Dustin would understand the meaning behind Addison's new shirt. It took quite a bit longer than we expected, but after a few hints thrown his way, the light bulb clicked.
(click to play the video)

I can't blame him for not "getting it" at first. Neither of us were expecting this news anytime soon!
And here we are 9 weeks later and ready to share it with the world! I had a wonderful first trimester. I have been low on energy, to say the least, but have not had a bit of nausea. When pregnant with Addison, I could barely stand in the shower for 2 minutes, let alone eat or drink anything, so this has been a nice surprise. We went in for an ultrasound at 9 weeks 1 day and were given an official due date of March 4, 2010. The baby's heart rate was 167 and he/she was already wiggling all around. I think we have an active one on our hands!My energy is beginning to return and I am still feeling great. I am not really showing, which is no surprise given I didn't even begin to show with Addison until I was almost 20 weeks. I think I will show slightly earlier this time around, but not by much.
4 weeks
13 weeks (taken at night because I'm a little bloated after dinner)

We had another routine appointment scheduled for this morning, though routine it did not remain. Due to some recent spotting, I had an ultrasound to make sure that everything was okay. This is what we saw. What a little miracle!

The baby looks wonderful, is developing perfectly and had a heart rate of 154. I am even measuring 2 days ahead. They couldn't find any reason for the spotting (such as a tear or detachment in the placenta) and think it's just my cervix getting rid of old stuff. I feel fine and have had no cramping but feel much better knowing that precautionary measures were taken.
We go back in 4 weeks (September 25th) for my "big ultrasound" and to find out the sex of the baby. We can't wait!!!!!!
Stay tuned for many more updates over the coming months!


Emily Lucking said...

YAY Kristi, Dustin and big sister Addison! I am soooo happy for all of you. Kris I got your voicemail and I'll give you a call real soon.

Love you.


Rachel said...


Bonnie said...

Oh my gosh Kristi! What great news! What a blessing it was that Kristin was there too. We'll be praying for that little one to grow perfectly and healthy, just like his/her big sis did.

L&L ;-)

Cathy and Marshall said...

Congratulations, Kristi! What wonderful news! I will keep you and the baby in my prayers!