Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We got tagged!

Thanks Leah for tagging us! We've seen this done on other blogs but no one has ever shown us the love before. :)

The first part of the tag is to post the 6th picture from the 6th picture folder on our computer. This was the night before Stephen and Carrie's wedding. Our handsome daddy/husband is second from right. Don't ask us who those other jokers are. We don't know them.

The second part of the tag is as follows:

1. Link the tagger and provide the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

So, without futher ado...

7 facts about mommy

1. I am a breast cancer survivor.

2. I am mommy to a beautiful daughter and wife to an amazing husband.

3. My dog is at the groomers and I keep looking for him. Obviously I miss him!

4. I often feel tired, but have a hard time sleeping.

5. I wish my mom and sisters lived in my neighborhood, or at least the same city.

6. I am one of 34 grandchildren on my mom's side of the family....and there are probably nearly as many great grandchildren!

7. I have a hard time letting go of past mistakes.

7 facts about Addison

1. I was born 9 weeks early.

2. I was born with dark hair, then it turned light blonde, then strawberry blonde and now it is sandy blonde.

3. My favorite color is yellow.

4. My favorite words are Mama, Dada, Hi, Bye, and Bubba.

5. I came home from the hospital on Christmas Day and turn a year old on Thanksgiving Day!

6. I love the swing.

7. I can't wait for my playroom to be finished later this week!

People we are Tagging

1. Julie

2. Katie

3. Ashley

4. Kate

5. Holly

6. Julie

7. We ran out of friends

1 comment:

All Things Considered said...

Thanks for playing Addison and Mommy :)

I know that there is not a Halloween post yet (no doubt that there will be!) - but I wanted to wish you a VERY HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I know that you will be the sweetest thing in your costume today :)