Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of Preschool

Addison had her first day of preschool today! She is going to Lewis Center United Methodist 2 mornings a week. She will be in the 2 1/2 year old class since she doesn't meet the cutoff for the 3 year olds. There aren't many programs around the area that take kids under 3, so I was happy to have found one I really liked because I felt that Addison was really ready for school this year. She's been talking about it for a year!

Although today was actually "Meet the teacher day" (a condensed version of her real first day where parents attend with them), we treated this as her first day. We packed her snack, had her take her backpack...the whole works.

When we got to school, we found her classroom and the hook with her name above it. She thought this was pretty cool and loved hanging her backpack on her all by herself. I took these two pictures so I could remember her classmates names. There are 7 kids in her class - 5 girls and 2 boys. They are all the names listed in the top row.

Addison, Abby and Shelby are all previous playmates from my Mom's Club, which is nice. I also really like the small class size - 2 teachers:7 students. Addison will get a lot of personal attention. I think this environment will be great for her!

After we hung up her backpack, her teachers, Mrs. Ramsey and Mrs. Reed met us at the door to the classroom, introduced themselves and gave Addison a name tag necklace. She made herself right at home and walked right to the craft table.

Her first craft at school!

Then she and Abby made a new friend, Danielle (in the middle), in the reading corner.

Coloring with Shelby, while wearing some dress-up clothes.

Mrs. Ramsey came to sit with her as she was making her masterpiece.

She was so proud of her work and wanted to show it off. First stop, Mrs. Reed!

Next, the other parents and children!

And just in case Mrs. Ramsey didn't see enough of it, she wanted to show her again!

She really liked playing with the beads.

"Mom, you're embarrassing me!"

After school, the 3 friends held hands

had a little pow-wow

and raced one another. Too cute!

Addison's first day of school was a success! Hopefully Thursday will go just as well!

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