Thursday, September 30, 2010

Field Trip

Addison had her first school field trip today. We went to Lynd's Fruit Farm to do some apple picking. She had a great time!

One of her best playmates, Abby.

You may have noticed that Addison is quite the social butterfly. Man, she loves her friends...I can't even tell you! I think it's a great character trait that I hope continues throughout her life.

Walking hand in hand with Shelby.

The 3 musketeers.

Aren't they ADORABLE?!?

Yes, Addison is the shorty. Poor thing...smallest in her class. We're waiting on a growth spurt!

Abby and Shelby have been two of Addison's closest friends for a while now. Abby and Addison met at 18 months old through my mom's Club and she and Shelby were in gymnastics together and have since become even better friends since Kim (Shelby's mom) joined the mom's club. Liz (Abby's mom), Kim, and I thought it would be nice for the girls to be in the same class so once we all agreed on a school, we made sure they would be together! I think it made the transition to school easier for Addison. The 3 of them are just sooooo sweet.

After we filled our bags with Golden Delicious apples, we headed inside the barn for a demonstration on how Apples were grown - from the little sapling, to the leaves, to the blossoms and finally, the fruit. Our guide asked for volunteers to hang the leaves on the tree and Addison was the first to jump up and run to the front of the room. (This did not surprise me one bit!)

Placing her 3rd leaf.

Placing the blossom.

Reaching out for an apple to put on the tree. The guide deliberately handed out 3 apples before getting to my little angel. Way to discourage an eager child. I could have punched him!

The beautiful apple tree.

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