Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pool and Zoo

Gammy and Poppy (who I now call Gam and Pop) were visiting me for a couple days and I wanted to show them some of the things that Mommy and I have been doing for fun this summer.

First up was the pool. I love love love the pool. I am such a little fish. Mommy and I go whenever the weather is nice enough. We actually have gone a couple times when it hasn't been very warm (high 60's/low 70's) but the pool water is SO warm that it felt like we were taking a bath.

Gam and Pop really liked the pool and couldn't believe how well I swim (blow bubbles, kick my legs and move my arms in a front crawl).

My 3 favorite things to play with at the pool are dive sticks/rings, watering cans, and balls. I was having a lot of fun throwing the ball back and forth with Pop (shadow pictured only).
After the pool, we went home to have lunch and take a nap. Once I woke up, we headed to the zoo. I love the zoo, too...maybe just as much as the pool. I think the animals are so "neat" (a new word Mommy taught me last week when we saw a bunny while riding bikes) and each time I go, I get more interested in learning about them.

By the way, taking a wagon to the zoo is genius. I can see everything around me, can easily hop in and out when I want a closer view, and there is plenty of room for our cargo.
Our first stop was the Manatees. Pop was really excited about them. For a second, Mommy forgot who was the kid in the group - me or Pop!
There were Stingrays (and other fish) in the Manatee tanks. It looks like this one is coming straight for us. Good thing there was glass separating it from us!
Walking with Gam while looking at the fish.
We saw some kangaroos. This one was grazing.
Did you know a group of Kangaroos is called a mob?
The monkeys were one of my favorite stops. Mommy held me up high to get a better view.
It's not in focus, but can you see the baby monkey? How cute!
Everytime the monkey would swing, I would say "swing!"
Then we went to see some bigger monkeys.
They are called gorillas! This guy kept running up and banging on the windows.
He was really big!
I think this guy was sleeping last time I was here, too. Lazy cat.
It must have been snoozing time while we were there, because a lot of animals were sleeping. Including this cute koala bear. I learned that if he had his way, he would sleep up to 22 hours a day!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hannah loved the monkeys too....We were just at the zoo on Thursday!

Sorry we didn't get to chat more on Saturday...That music was SO LOUD...we had to leave early so Jon's parents could drive back to Lima.