Monday, March 16, 2009

....and we're back!

Hi everyone! I am pleased to announce that our blogging hiatus has ended...for now. Mommy and Daddy took a vacation to Hawaii, so the past few weeks Mommy has been very busy packing for, preparing for, and enjoying the Island of Maui! She and Daddy can't believe how quickly the vacation flew by. They missed me a WHOLE BUNCH but enjoyed the opportunity to be alone for a while. I had some wonderful babysitters while I was gone. Kate, Aunt Lori, Gammy, Poppy, Grandma and Grandpa all pitched in! They did a fabulous job caring for me and I was such a good girl! So good, in fact, that Mommy and Daddy are leaving me again soon for some more vacationing. (boohoo!) I'm afraid they've lost all sight of their priorities! Just kidding....they deserve a little more time off. I told them that once they are back from their next trips, they better not plan on leaving me again any time soon. Bubba and I will miss them too much!

Like I said, I had some EXCELLENT care while Mommy and Daddy were away. My Aunt Lori came up to help my Gammy and we did a fun project together. My Aunt Lori is very creative! We decorated a planter and planted some spring flowers. We finished it off by sticking butterflies and pinwheels in the dirt. It is truly a masterpiece and Mommy and Daddy were so surprised when they got home and saw it!

Picking out what stickers I'd like to use to personalize my flower pot.

Putting in the dirt.

Placing the flowers.

Patting down the dirt.

Admiring what a great job we've done so far!

That was so much fun! Great idea, Aunt Lori!

I also played outside a lot with my Grandma. I just can't believe spring is almost here!

Grandma let me run in the street. Getting our money's worth from purchasing a home on a cul-de-sac, I suppose!

Blowing bubbles on the deck.

Eating bubbles on the deck.

Of course there was plenty of inside play, too.

Carrying around my purse.

I dressed Grandpa up with my bow!

Playing with Grandma's jewelry box at her house.

Grandma took me to an activity center in her town called AHA! I had so much fun there and can't wait to go back in a few days.

Playing on the sand table.

Playing on the water table.

Sitting in the water table. HAAaaa!

Thank you to all of my babysitters who took care of me while Mommy and Daddy were away. Because of all the fun I had with you guys, I hardly even noticed they were gone! Mommy and Daddy say thank you very much, too! Love you!!


Cristi said...

Welcome home. We need Hawaii pictures!

Anonymous said...

We need to work on the eating the bubbles thing. I found out she didn't think they tasted too good.:)